Sunday, December 2, 2012

Winner, Winner...Chicken Dinner

“So, what’s with the title of this post?” you ask. Let me tell you. One month ago, I started a journey that many of my friends start in the month of November. It’s called NaNoWriMo, which stands for National Novel Writing Month. It’s a challenge sponsored by The Office of Letters and Light for writers to complete a 50,000 word novel in one month’s time. When I started, I thought I might be a little twitterpated, as you can see in my initial post:
I passed the 50,000 word mark on the morning of November 24th and kept writing. In the final week, I was able to write an astonishing 36,794 more words. I always knew I had a lot to say, but with 86,794 words, this just proved it. I proudly display the certificate presented for my accomplishment.
Winner, Winner...Chicken Dinner
Winner, WinnerChicken Dinner
The funny thing is that throughout this entire process, I still found myself editing, especially during that first week. Taking off my editor’s hat, even for a short time, was hard but very rewarding, as the characters took control of my fingers and told their story. The month of December will be spent entirely on conversing with them to determine what should stay and what should go. I’m sure there will be a few disagreements, but in the end, we should come to a mutual understanding about how their story should be told.
Back to your initial question. What’s with the title of this post? My husband promised that if I was able to reach the goal of 50,000 words, he would take me out to dinner. I chose chicken. Hence the title, Winner, WinnerChicken Dinner.
To all my friends who participated in NaNoWriMo this year, I congratulate you on your accomplishments and thank you all for your support. And, as always, if you like what I’m doing, please let me know by clicking on the Like button. If you don’t have a WordPress account, don’t worry, you can type a simple comment letting me know. You can even do this anonymously if you’d prefer. Thank you so much for your feedback. I really do appreciate it.

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