Each November, hundreds of thousands of writers come together online to share in a similar goal, to write as many words as possible in one month. The goal is to write 50,000 words toward a novel, without doing any editing. That’s 1,667 words per day. It seems improbable, you say? Well, I don’t know. We shall see, because I’ve decided to join in the fun and frivolity! You may think me out of my mind, a little warped, or simply twitterpated. Well, you and the Owl in Bambi may be right. You might say that I was walking along, minding my own business, looking neither to my left, nor to my right, when all of a sudden I ran smack into NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month. I let out a hoot! And a holler! Said, Sign me up!
Now, before you all say I’ve lost my marbles. Let me tell you. I’m off to a good start. I’ve already written 942 words and yes, old habits are hard to break. I’ve already edited it once and had to remind myself several times to concentrate on the story. Don’t worry about the editing, that can come later.
This is going to be quite the journey. I hope I don’t end up going weak in the knees. I’m sure my head will be in a whirl before this is over, and as long as I don’t lose my head, I should be just fine.I hope to be walking on air as I reach and hopefully surpass the goal by November 30th. I just hope my quill is light as a feather as the words tumble out of my brain and onto paper.
They say becoming twitterpated could happen to anybody. Well I’m here to tell you, I’m willing to take the chance. I’ve prepared the snacks, stocked up on tea and hung up my Gone Writing sign. I hope to pop in every once in a while to give you an update, but just in case, there’s plenty to read in my archives, and you can always visit my other blogs to see what I’ve been doing there. Your words of encouragement are more than welcome. Thank you for being here and talk with you soon!